
Please let us know how we can help you!

+43 3144 706

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our leadership


We are proud to have talented leaders who are committed to high standards of integrity and accountability.

We are proud to manufacture bespoke high-quality packaging from the inert and permanent material glass.


Dr. August Grupp, MBA

CEO Stoelzle Glass Group &
Head of Spirits Business Unit

CSCO Alexander Stern

Significant investments in R&D, state-of-the-art-technologies and expert staff are our key to future success.


DI(FH) Alexander Stern

CSCO Stoelzle Glass Group &
Head of Pharma Business Unit

Contact persons

Get in touch

How to reach us

For general enquiries or any requests to our Stoelzle glass experts kindly contact us by the general contact form. The respective team member will then get back to you as soon as possible.


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