
Please let us know how we can help you!

+43 3144 706

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Speak up!

We obey statutory norms and regulations in the markets in which we operate, thus we guarantee the highest degree of integrity. Fair and competitive conduct is of central importance to us. Suspected irregularities can be reported by any person via the Speak up platform. Stoelzle has engaged the services of the Compliance Unit of our parent company, CAG Holding GmbH, to review this issue independently of Stoelzle Group management and they will revert to you.

As we appreciate open communication in all aspects of business, we ask you to provide us with your name and contact details. Doing so you will enable us to investigate in an efficient and effective way your concern. Please remember that it is prohibited to knowingly report false or wrong information. Such behavior will not be tolerated and could lead to legal consequences.

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    I consent to the processing of my data in accordance with the data protection guidelines. More information in the privacy policy.

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