Design & mould construction Jan R. Creativity and usability – why are these assets prerequisites in a bottle design, Jan? "When I started my apprenticeship in the Stoelzle design & mould construction department, I feared that I would have to make many compromises in my design work. I thought products have to be either practical or nice – there won’t be many options to unite these assets. But 2 years later I’m convinced that both design and style as well as usability can perfectly complement each other, when we develop a new bottle. It takes just a few days to get from the sketch to a 3D printed prototype suitable to be tested and filled by our clients. To see our bottles on the market, in the shelves, or used by friends and colleagues, makes me proud, even more if they win international awards such as the WorldStar. Then I’m overwhelmed by the sensation to be part of an outstanding team."